Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Malaysian State of Kelantan prepares to apply hudud law 马来西亚吉兰丹州准备向国会提呈回教法

大馬伊斯蘭黨 欲修憲實施斷肢法



丹州副州务大臣莫哈末阿玛表示,一旦明年落实伊斯兰教刑事法,将雇佣手术医生服务,作为罪犯断肢目的。 大马伊斯兰医疗协会(IMAM)今天指称,由于伊刑法规定受刑者被截肢时不得施打麻醉药,也非医疗必要,因此外科医生不能执行断肢法。

卫 生部部长拿督斯里苏巴马念周日强调,根据1971年医药法令,医生没有权力为在伊斯兰刑事法下被判处有罪的罪犯,进行截肢手术。他说,该法令并没有任何条 文,授权医药专家或医生,为涉及偷窃罪的犯人,进展截肢。

KUALA LUMPUR – As the Kelantan government prepares to apply hudud law in the north-east Malaysian state, medical specialists involvement in the implementation of the law, such as hand amputation for those convicted of theft, is dividing the country’s medical associations, amid threats of axing doctors who perform them.
“From the medical aspect, there is no provision under the Medical Act for doctors to carry out such duties,” Health Minister, Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam, was quoted by Bernama news agency on Sunday, April 27.
“The duties of a doctor are set under the Medical Act. They (doctors) should carry out their duties within the confines of the act,” he told a media conference after launching the 2014 World Health Day celebration at Jasmin Flat, Senawang.

 Doctor executing operation Maximum Card 医生施手术极限片 (Singapore, 新加坡)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

美國總統奧巴馬參觀國家清真寺 Barack Obama visited National Mosque of Malaysia

27.4.2014美国总统奥巴马造访马来西亚国家清真寺, 約100名自稱為Hizbut Tahrir伊斯蘭組織大馬分會的成員,在國家清真寺進行和平請願,反對美國總統奧巴馬參觀國家清真寺,認為這玷污清真寺的聖潔。奥巴马访问清真寺被视为对穆斯林示好,有促进对穆斯林世界的友好关系。

On 27.4.2014, US President Barack Obama made a visit to the National Mosque of Malaysia, a group of members from the Hizbut Tahrir Islamic groups protested the Visit of the Obama to the National Mosque. However, Obama's visit to a mosque is respected by the World as a friendly act towards  promoting  relationship with the muslim world.

Obama was greeted by the Imam at National Mosque , Malaysia

 Malaysia National Mosque Maximum Card

美 国总统奥巴马和首相纳吉举行四眼会谈之前,先是参观了位于吉隆坡市中心的国家清真寺和英雄墓园,成为史上第一位参观我国国家清真寺的美国总统。奥巴马周日 早上9点45分乘坐总统专车抵达清真寺,受到国家清真寺宗教司丹斯里赛依斯迈的欢迎。 - See more at:
約100名自稱為Hizbut Tahrir伊斯蘭組織大馬分會的成員,今日在國家清真寺進行和平請願,反對美國總統奧巴馬參觀國家清真寺,認為這玷污清真寺的聖潔。

約100名自稱為Hizbut Tahrir伊斯蘭組織大馬分會的成員,今日在國家清真寺進行和平請願,反對美國總統奧巴馬參觀國家清真寺,認為這玷污清真寺的聖潔。
美 国总统奥巴马和首相纳吉举行四眼会谈之前,先是参观了位于吉隆坡市中心的国家清真寺和英雄墓园,成为史上第一位参观我国国家清真寺的美国总统。奥巴马周日 早上9点45分乘坐总统专车抵达清真寺,受到国家清真寺宗教司丹斯里赛依斯迈的欢迎。 - See more at:
美 国总统奥巴马和首相纳吉举行四眼会谈之前,先是参观了位于吉隆坡市中心的国家清真寺和英雄墓园,成为史上第一位参观我国国家清真寺的美国总统。奥巴马周日 早上9点45分乘坐总统专车抵达清真寺,受到国家清真寺宗教司丹斯里赛依斯迈的欢迎。 - See more at:

Sunday, April 27, 2014

After 48 years,US President revisited Malaysia on 26-28th April, 2014

48 年以后,美国总统再一次到访马来西亚。奥巴马在马来西亚逗留三天 26-28/4/2014,意义深远。

在大马与美国,有这么一个纪念军人壮义牺牲的纪念碑,外形相似,那就是美国的 Iwo Jiwa 海军纪念碑和大马的国家纪念碑。两座纪念碑都是一组军人齐挺国旗的造型。原来2个纪念碑的设计都出自同一个雕塑家 Felix De Weldon

It is indeed an honor to have the President of the USA, Barrack Obama coming to Malaysia for an official visit on 26 -28 April, 2014. It was 48 years ago when Lyndon B. Johnson the last U.S. president to visit Malaysia in the year1966.

There is one monument resemblance closely in the outlook built in both Malaysia and USA i.e the Iwo Jiwa Memorial (USA) and the Tugu Nasional ( Malaysia ), both the massive monuments were master crafted by the famous Sculptor Felix De Weldon. The monuments look similar, with soldiers upholding  the respective country's National Flags.

Tugu Malaysia

Monday, April 21, 2014

Malaysia Airlines MH 370 missing from radar @ 1.41 am 8th March, 2014 马航MH370客机于2014年3月8日凌晨1.41点在雷达上失踪

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew, left the KL International Airport at 12.41am on 8th March, 2014 and disappeared from radar screens about an hour later while over the South China Sea. It was to have landed in Beijing at 6.30am on the same day.

The last time the plane could be traced by an air control tower was near Pulau Perak, which is on the Straits of Malacca at 2.40am. It was said MH 370 made a turn back and continue to fly to an unknown destination. Why did MH 370 made the turn back ? The mystery is yet to be unveiled.

马航 MH370 飞北京班机如时于2014年3月8日凌晨12.41从吉隆坡国际机场起飞,一个小时后飞机在雷达上消失。 马来西亚军方雷达于 2.40 am 测到一架飞机于马六甲上空掠过飞向一个不明确方向。军方雷达上的显示是MH370 掠过马六甲海峡?为何MH 370在航行中突然掉头转了另一个航线而飞 ? 这是我们都很想知道的原因。
50th Anniversary of IATA (1995) Maximum Card
国际旅游联盟50周年纪念极限片 (1995)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

搜寻马航MH370, 各国搜救队伍一早忙到晚 Searching for MH370, Australia Pearce Airbase was busy day and night

澳大利亚 Pearce 空军基地每天清早都有多国飞机整装待发飞往千公里外的印度洋搜寻失联马航客机MH370。 天色还黑暗,搜救人员早已准备前往搜救现场工作,每天如是,无奈搜救工作艰辛,为了寻求一个真相,大家的合作与努力,我们给你们献上至高敬意。

At the Australia Perth Pearce Air Base, aircrafts are seen flying off at dawn to carry out the Search for the Missing Malaysia airline MH370 . Tens of aircrafts from various countries in a joint effort to Search for MH370 aiming at unveiling the mystery of the missing aircraft. I salute the contribution of the Search team.

Malaysia Aircraft landing and taking off Maximum Card

Friday, April 18, 2014

为马航MH370祈愿 Pray For MH370

马航客机MH370失联月余 ,至今音讯全无,世界各地不知举行了多少烛光祈福会,为机上的机组人员与乘客祈愿,希望他们安然无恙。祈福会撼动了世界,牵动了世人的心。我们仍然带着盼望MH370一日的归来。

MH370 has been missing for more than a month, during this period of time, there were thousands of prayer congregations around the world praying for the safety  of the crew members and passengers on board of the aircraft. We are hoping to see the return of MH370.

Pos Malaysia issued a set of personalised stamps on Greetings in 2012. I realised an MC with the "Hearts" stamp using a postcard depicting candle lights in the shape of a heart, which was a common scenerio seen on the many MH370 prayer congregation.

马来西亚邮政于2012年发行了一套个人化庆典邮票。我以“心”邮票配合一枚心形烛光摆设的明信片制作了极限片 - 一个MH370祈愿会常见的情景。

Thursday, April 17, 2014

British Submarine joined MH370 hunt in the Indian Ocean, Malaysia's "Tunku Abdul Rahman" Submarine however is Not deployed to join the operation.

外媒报道英国核潜艇参与印度洋的MH370搜救工作。 马来西亚也拥有一艘潜艇却在这个时刻没能参与行动,据说“东姑阿都拉曼”号潜艇不具搜救功能,不能派上用场。记得2009年“东姑阿都拉曼”号潜艇抵达大马,也发行了一套邮票。在巴生港口邮局制作了一枚极限片。请欣赏。
British Submarine joined MH370 hunt in the Indian Ocean, Malaysia's "Tunku Abdul Rahman" Submarine however is Not deployed to join the operation. I remembered the first submarine of Malaysia was delivered in the year 2009 from France, a set of commemorative stamps was issued to mark the event, below is an MC created at Port Klang Post Office on the first day of issue.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Satellites were deployed to look for Missing Malaysia Airlines MH370, But in vain !

In search of the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370, France, UK and China had deployed own  satellites using high-resolution earth imaging capabilities, visible light imaging and other technologies to eye on possible wreckage on the vast Indian Ocean. China focused the search with 10 satellites , however, the images of the suspected floating objects did not reveal any parts coming from MH370 . The search for MH370 is by far the most difficult task ever in the history of civil aviation tragedy. 

I recalled the first Malaysian Satellite was launched in 1996 principally for enhancing the telephone and data transmission communication in this country. Subsequently several satellites were launched, and they are all equipped with telecommunication capabilities. Malaysia is yet to posses a satellite which is able to pick up high resolution images on surveillance of the Earth surface.

I created this Maximum Card of the MEASAT I satellite of Malaysia with the first hologram stamp of Malaysia featuring the satellite orbiting round the Earth. 

Malayisa MC of Satellite with FDI pictorial postmark dated 13.1.1996

Monday, April 14, 2014

美丽的仙本那(semporna) 再有外国游客被掳,蒙上阴影!

 马航客机MH370失联事件还没有任何的进展,又传来美丽的仙本那(semporna) 再有外国游客被掳,马来西亚旅游业重挫。

仙本那多次被选为世界旅游佳地,美丽如人间仙境。实境变迁,海盗活动猖獗, 仙本那近年来成了海盗掳绑人质索取金钱的一个目标重地。为了游客的安全,度假村都有荷枪实弹的军警在把守,虽然如此,海盗魔高一丈,还是入侵来了。政府已经采取适当措施关闭一些仙本那岸外的度假村。仙本那岸外的西巴丹(sipadan) 就是一个举世闻名的度假小岛,自然风景美丽不在话下。

没去过仙本那,只能把它的风采给记录在原图片(极限片, MC)上。这枚MC代我到仙本那邮局走一回了,邮戳还OK! 请欣赏

Semporna - A tourist paradise, visited by thousands of foreigners yearly. The beautiful off-coast islands with pure white beaches and clear shallow waters are ideal for diving and snorkeling activities. The coast of Sabah had been an active zone of the pirates. In the past, fishermen and sailors were reported to have kidnapped by the pirates asking for ransoms. Lately, these pirates were coming ashore to kidnap tourists as hostages. Although, resort operators are employing armed persons to guard the surrounding of the resort, these pirates seemed to escape the eye of the security and kidnapped a Chinese tourist boarding at a coastal chalet. The incident greatly ruins the tourism industry of the State. We are hoping and praying for the safety of this hostage in the custody of the pirates. We hope to see a light in resolving this issue quickly.

I have NOT been to Semporna, however, I had the opportunity in realising a Nice and beautiful Maximum Card, postmark of which was cancelled AT Semporna post office in 2003.

仙本那西巴丹美丽的沙滩和海域 MC (2003,semporna )
Semporna island resort MC( 2003, Semporna )

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The last call from the Pilot of the Missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 "Goodnite, Malaysian MH370"

马航MH370失联之前,机长与地面控制塔联系的最后一通话这么说道 “晚安,马来西亚MH370”。马航370,你给我们留下了天底下的一个大谜团!至今你在何方?机上的239乘客与机组人员,你们可安好?
马来西亚马航50周年纪念票 (1997) - 首发极限片
The last call from the Pilot of the Missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 was " Goodnite, Malaysian MH370". It was a great mystery of the missing flight MH370. How are the 239 passengers and the Crew on board the flight, Are you fine? We Miss you.
Malaysia Airlines 50th Anniversary commemorate issue (1997) MC

Friday, April 11, 2014

Malaysia Airlines MH370, We miss you !

Since 2014.3.8, the search for the Missing Flight - Malaysia Airlines MH370 is still on going. Currently the search for the aircraft at the Indian Ocean is said to be the most challenging one in history. The world is praying for MH370's return.

Malaysia Airlines 50th Anniversary commemorative issue 1997

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

"Noah" the Movie and "Noah" the MC

Sin Chew Daily - 8th April, 2014

Sin Chew Daily on 8th April, 2014 reported the Hollywood Box Office Movie - "Noah" was banned for screening in Malaysia for its content which is deemed to be against the Islamic Law. 

Noah and the Ark is an important biblical epic of the Old Testament documented in the Bible as well as the Koran. The Ban of the Movie "Noah" reminded me of an MC which is in my custody. It is Noah the MC.

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Roses and 14th February

 Malaysia Maximum Card with ROSES stamp issued on St.Valentine's Day 2014

As St.Valentine's day is widely promoted commercially in the local scene, Federal government begins to tighten the restrictions on the Muslims to celebrate the day which is meant for the loving couples. Muslims were told to stay away from any form of celebration as it is said February, 14 - the St.Valentine's Day is against Islamic Beliefs. Anyway, St.Valentine's Day has been celebrated on the 14th of February each year worldwide. I came to know about this auspicious day when I first had my first acquaintance with my beloved one more than 30 years ago. St. Valentine's day had been celebrated longer enough than the birth of this country. February, 14 - A special Date which is hard to be erased from the memory. I remembered the first series of the special stamp on Malaysian ROSES was issued in the year 2003, the date of issue was initially fixed on the 6th February, 2003, a date prior to the Valentine's Day, paving the way for those who wish to purchase the Aromatic Stamps to be presented to their loving ones as Valentine Present, What a splendid idea, I thought! However, Pressures from several Bodies pushed the date of the issue to 22nd February, 2003, making the whole lots of Fresh and Fragant Roses stamps turning stale and fade in the store of the Post Office. As a stamp collector, I bought the ROSEs stamp on the 22nd February,2003 and realised several MCs to keep. I told myself, probably, there will never be another issue of ROMANTIC stamps on the Sensitive date of February, 14. I was surpised by the ROSES II aromatic stamps issued in 2014 with the date on the St.Valentine's Day - February, 14, Although the Canceling Cachet did NOT mention the St.Valentine's Day, however, February,14 is a common date shared across the world. You know, I know what is the special day celebrated on February, 14. As usual, I realised several ROSES Maximum Cards and presented to my beloved one. Yes, the above MC recorded in the history of Malaysia, an official set of Romantic Symbolic Stamps issued on the St.Valentine's Day.   

Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card

  Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card concordant Postmark : Kuala Lumpur