丹州副州务大臣莫哈末阿玛表示,一旦明年落实伊斯兰教刑事法,将雇佣手术医生服务,作为罪犯断肢目的。 大马伊斯兰医疗协会(IMAM)今天指称,由于伊刑法规定受刑者被截肢时不得施打麻醉药,也非医疗必要,因此外科医生不能执行断肢法。
卫 生部部长拿督斯里苏巴马念周日强调,根据1971年医药法令,医生没有权力为在伊斯兰刑事法下被判处有罪的罪犯,进行截肢手术。他说,该法令并没有任何条 文,授权医药专家或医生,为涉及偷窃罪的犯人,进展截肢。
KUALA LUMPUR – As the Kelantan government prepares to apply hudud law in the north-east Malaysian state, medical specialists involvement in the implementation of the law, such as hand amputation for those convicted of theft, is dividing the country’s medical associations, amid threats of axing doctors who perform them.
“From the medical aspect, there is no provision under the Medical Act for doctors to carry out such duties,” Health Minister, Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam, was quoted by Bernama news agency on Sunday, April 27.
“The duties of a doctor are set under the Medical Act. They (doctors) should carry out their duties within the confines of the act,” he told a media conference after launching the 2014 World Health Day celebration at Jasmin Flat, Senawang.
Doctor executing operation Maximum Card 医生施手术极限片 (Singapore, 新加坡)