Tuesday, October 18, 2016

【泰国曼谷湄南河上的龙船 The Royal Barge of the Bangkok Chao Phraya River】【maximum card 极限片】

【泰国曼谷湄南河上的龙船 The Royal Barge of the Bangkok Chao Phraya River】【maximum card 极限片】
Chao Phraya River running from the North to the South of Thailand is one of the most important river in Thailand. The river flows through the Capital city of Bangkok, many activities are centered around the River, hence, Bangkok is also known as a Capital city on River. Thailand's Royal Barge Procession is a ceremony of both religious and royal significance which has been taking place for nearly 700 years. Attached is a Maximum Card I realised in Bangkok 2010 Philatelic Exhibition - the Royal Barge.
昭披耶河 Chao Phraya River ,中文俗称湄南河,贯穿泰国曼谷城,因此曼谷也享誉有水上之都之称。昭披耶河是泰国第一大河,自北而南地纵贯泰国全境。曼谷有著名的水上市场。 泰王龙船也偶尔会在这条河上出巡 。。。 气势磅礴的龙船予人一种庄严华丽的感觉。泰王驾崩,龙船又有新的主人家了! 贴一枚当年泰国邮展亲手制作的龙船极限片,共赏!

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Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card

  Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card concordant Postmark : Kuala Lumpur