Monday, May 25, 2020


80年代许茹芸唱红这首歌 – “如果云知道“,柔和好听。“云”可真不知道在新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球之际,活动几乎停摆, “云”,它却能静悄悄的给冒起头来,傲视全球,占据了所有人的生活空间。在这瞬间,许多的网上的活动都给与冠上了“云”字。马云其貌不扬,确实取了个好名字 “云”,让他足以雄霸网络,赚个满钵满盈。有人在行管令期间坚持结婚,行婚礼,大型实体婚礼不能公开举行,唯有退而求次,和网路婚礼策划公司签订配套行“云婚”,广邀亲友在线同步见证婚礼过程。好啦,没有实体的印刷请柬,然而电传 结婚“云帖”也照旧一一的给发到亲朋戚友的手里。一个只有线上网播的婚礼,没有一般结婚宴席的招待,亲朋戚友在各自家里亲自准备杯和酒与一对新人网上敬酒 饮胜, 其乐融融! “云婚”网播完毕,网页荧幕上打上滚动的文字注明“云包”(即是贺礼,贺仪)无任欢迎并列出新人的银行户口以方便个人电子转账。看来一场出席一场“云婚”,“云包”还是不能少,不能免呀!没有一般的宴席招待,那 “云包”的行情到底是要包多少钱呢?“云”呀,“云”呀,你倒好,成了当今的赢家,我们却让你给搞到个头昏脑胀,无从适应!
Everything goes on ”cloud”
We are gradually undergoing a New Normal Life , and everything seems to be hooking to “cloud” ever since the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Whether you like it or not, “Cloud” is evitable in our new Normal life from now on. Jack Ma has a given name in Chinese bearing the word “cloud”, he has made his billions utilising “cloud” way ahead of us, he is now enjoying a big wealth sitting comfortably on the “cloud”.
A couple insisted to hold a wedding ceremony during the MCO as they did not want to have the date postponed, hence, they engaged a wedding consultant to hold a “cloud wedding” online. Invitation via email was extended to relatives and friends to join and witness their ceremony broadcasted online. Relatives and friends prepared their own wine glasses at home to toast and Yamseng with the new couple, a merry ceremony was coming to an end with the well wishes from the audiences. A  series of text emerged towards the end of the video pleading for “e-pow” with a bank account number attached for the e transfer of “angpow money”. Ha … No wedding feast served, having to prepare own wine for the toast …. Looks like even though a “cloud wedding”, “e pow” is still inevitable.  
“cloud” is intruding into our daily life, be prepared and tightened your seat belt for a swift drive of the “cloud”.
Share here a Malaysia Cloud stamp on Maximum Card, pls enjoy.

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