Sunday, May 31, 2020

Parliament MCO 国会也来个行管令!

贴一枚新加坡童谣“Si Katak Lompat" 极限片,共赏。
Parliament MCO
There is a need to introduce and implement a new Parliament MCO. This MCO is a different MCO as set for the Covid-19 pandemic, this MCO is somewhat a movement control order to bar MPs from moving from one party to the other. It is more a less an MCO to deter an MP from “Frog Jumping”. “Frog jumping” in parliament has become a political pandemic in Malaysia, be them the ruling party MPs or the Opposition party MPs, all alike! It is high time to stop the pandemic with the introduction of the MCO for the jumping Frogs, if not otherwise, the pandemic will NOT be eradicated one day. During the MCO for the covid-19 pandemic, new cases of covid-19 infections were successfully curbed, and on the other hand, the general environment around us has become cleaner, the rivers are turning clear, the skies are becoming blue, and the air are becoming fresh. We are hoping that the MCO tailored for the Frog jumping pandemic can similarly bring a fresher look to our parliament, Nil corruption, Nil abuse of power etc etc. I am raising my hands for the execution of a New MCO for Frog pandemic in parliament.
Sharing here a Singapore Maximum Card featuring the Nursery Rhyme "Si Katak Lompat", pls enjoy

Friday, May 29, 2020

wawasan 2020

Wawasan 2020
2020 华华先生?
马来西亚第四任首相马哈迪于1991年倡议了一个 wawasan 2020” 愿景。马来西亚自那一年开始的往后30年光景里就一直朝着这个愿景来推行建国计划。“wawasan 2020 “ 喊到2020年已成泡沫,一场梦想成空。看看 wawasan” 这个字,若以日本人一贯对于名字的称呼,那就是 wawa 先生”,那么 wawasan 2020 “, 岂不是直指 2020 华华先生”?是在预言马来西亚 2020 年是华华先生的天下 2020年还没有来到最后的一天,谁也不敢断定这么样的一个可能性?但是有一点可以肯定的,2020年是马来西亚建国以来国会/州会里盛产政治青蛙最多的一个年代,青蛙齐鸣“哇哇声 wawasan” 。不仅于此,2020 的马来西亚政治版图也一再的变,两大联盟 国盟和希盟只在一个议席之差的狭缝间互相挖角,天天在上演 着“挖挖商 wawasan”政治秀,边挖角边协商,两大联盟互呛各有所斩获。进入2020年,愿景不见了,财经股市只闻 “滑滑声 wawasan”,随着新冠肺炎病毒的侵袭,企业商家纷纷在倒闭,人人直喊 “哇哇声 wawasan “2020 就只剩下下半年了,你我还是束起腰带 “花花省 wawasan” 吧! 祝福大家!
贴一枚 2020 Vision Malaysia 马来西亚愿景极限片,共赏。
Wawasan 2020
The 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia first introduced “wawasan 2020” , a Malaysian vision for the year 2020. Malaysia had been spearheading towards the goal for the past 30 years.
Coming to 2020, the vision was NOT being able to achieve. Looking at the WAWASAN, if deciphered in Japanese, it can read as though  MR.WAWA …. Looking as if a hidden hint of the year 2020 belongs to Mr. WAWA , was it referring to Mr. Anwar ? Who knows, the year has not come to an end as yet, who can predict what is going to happen by then ?
Without looking further, vision 2020 goal is a failure in total, on the other hand we had witnessed in the Malaysian History, 2020 is the year with the most political KATAKs ever existed in the parliament , filling the parliament atmosphere with “wawa sound”!
Sharing here a maximum card of the Malaysia vision 2020 Maximum card, Pls enjoy.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

New Normal Durian

New Normal Durian
I used to eat durian by buying the Durian fruit in whole. Just like to get a real feel of a durian fruit. See it with your own eyes, feel it with your own hands, smell it with your own nose, hear the rattling sound of the fruit by shaking it near to the ears. Although, Durian does not speak, every fruit gives me a personal feel of the close encounter with the fruit. I do enjoy very much to eat durian with family members sitting closely around, eating durian enhances a family fellowship.
Covid-19 gives rise to a New Normal life, and so do Durian buying and selling activities. As it is, durian trading begins to forgo the trading by the streets and retail shops, aggressively, more are advertising and selling the fruit in transparent plastic boxes on internet. As end users, we are no longer buying durian in whole with fruits in a thorny husk. A New Normal Durian is one with fruits extracted and placed in a plastic box. Whether you like it or NOT, the age of New Normal Durian is coming …..
Sharing here a maximum card of a Durian Stall, Maximum card, Pls enjoy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


BElieVE 相信
Believe 这一个英文字还真有意思,有内涵。殊不知在 Believe 这一个字里头夹在中央的,深藏了一个 lie 字,暗里藏刀。Believe 里有 lie,(相信的里头暗藏了一个谎言),反之,lie 的里头却不可能有 believe, 谎言的当中永远也不存在一信。“相信 believe”是掌握在个人的信念当中,个人可以采信也可以拒绝相信。“谎言 lie”尽不属实,目的就是让人去“相信 believe”。我们正处在一个 believe 和 lie 角力搏斗的新世界。成千上万则的网路信息天天在转播,传播在我们之间,当中到底有多少是真消息?没人知晓 !说我们正处在一个“虚拟”的世界,一点都不为过,今天的传闻可以是属实,过了半天后,传闻也可以反转而成了一个假闻。Believe 里头的那一个 lie, 往往成了诈骗集团所操的一把利刃,不知要宰割了多少选择相信于它的无知普罗大众!愿者上钩,也除非你时刻保持警戒,一概不 believe(采信)所有陌生来源的信息!宁可相信信息当中都有lie 的存在!
报道日前斯里肯邦暗一所印度庙在行管令期间在庙中为教友举行婚礼,据说有百人参与了盛会。行管令期间,所有婚礼一概被禁止,也同时禁止超过 20 人的聚会。该印度庙住持,理事与新婚佳人亲友明显抵触了现时的法令。有网友拍了当天群众以整齐的装束出入庙宇,上载到互联网,引来网民的热烈讨论。疑似婚礼的视频吸引了警方的关注,因此警方也做出了一个积极的反应,立马到有关印度庙宇去探个虚实,不料婚礼已经举行完毕,群众也散了。庙宇住持接受了警方的盘问有关网上疯传在行管令时期在的这一场婚礼,住持淡定回答,那是一则已经过去了好一段日子的旧闻。警方就庙宇住持的解释,宣布了较前网传的婚礼信息是假新闻。
1. 网友拍疑似婚礼照片上传互联网,说 :一场违例的婚礼正在行管令时期举行。
反思 :网友的话,是 believe, 还是 lie 呢? 我们不知道 !
2. 庙宇住持被盘问有关婚礼传言时对警员说 :那时一场已经过了一段日子的旧闻。
反思 :住持的话,是 believe, 还是 lie 呢? 我们也不知道 !
3. 警察调查了庙宇后发言说 :听了住持的解释,那是一个旧闻。
反思 :警方选择了 believe 住持的话。警方怎确定住持不是在 lie 呢? 我们也不知道 !
4. 警方随后公布说 :网传庙宇婚礼视频是旧闻,假消息!警方的公布,是 believe, 还是 lie 呢? 我们更更不知道 !
哈 。。最后。。最后经住在庙宇附近的网友心存不忿,揭露了这是一场千真万确在行管令期间举行的婚礼 。。。因此事件当中是有人在说实话,也有一些人确实说了 lie 谎言 , 企图掩盖事实,而有一些人不求真实,选择了草草 believe 相信, 让 lie 谎言给牵着鼻子走了。许许多多的Believe 相信或是 lie 谎言, 自己判断吧,自求多福也!

The word ‘Believe’ has a “lie” embedded within, beware if you choose to believe a certain, there is always of a lie staying behind what you are believing.

There was a Hindu Wedding ceremony held during the CMCO @ a Hindu temple at Seri Kembangan, with an estimated attendees of a hundred, a video of it was viral on the internet. Police took note of the news and made an investigation at the said temple. The Temple respondent while questioned by the police said the wedding ceremony was an old news happened ages ago. Police took the word of the temple respondent and announced that the video posted on web was a Fake News.

Let us look at what was transpired and said :

1. A netizen posted the wedding video said : A wedding is undergoing at the temple with many attendees. Question : was the netizen statement accurate, you stand to believe or you think it was a lie ?

2. The Temple respondent firmly confirmed with the police said : the Wedding ceremony was an old news happened ages ago, there was no recent wedding conducted in the temple. Question : You stand to believe what had been said by the temple respondent , or you think what he had said was actually a lie ?

3. Police took the words of the temple respondent and said : The video posted on the web was FAKE. Question : was police jumping too quickly into a conclusion, is he risking himself of believing a lie ?

The neighbours living close to the Temple finally disclosed the truth of a wedding ceremony held at the Temple during the CMCO without observing the Rules. Obviously, in this incident, someone is telling lies , and many of us are lured into believing in their statements.

We are exposed to millions of news and messages daily on the web …. It is all up to you to take it , believe or NOT is up to you. Be ware of the Lie which is hiding within the Believe. Cheers.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

签名惊魂 Signature Nightmare

贴一枚马来西亚邮票 - 爪夷书法极限片,共赏!

Signature Nightmare
Under MCO/CMCO, all are required to sign in before you dine in or walk into a mall/supermarket/retail outlet, this is to facilitate MOH for tracing records in case of a burst of a Covid-19 case. Do you know, the pen provided for the public can be a medium for the spread of Coronavirus ? Beware of holding the common pen used by everybody to sign on the visitor’s book, Do remember to sanitalize the pen before use OR carry along your own pen for the signing purpose. As the New Normal Life progresses, it is evitable the same order and practice will be implemented everywhere, you may need to sign tens and hundreds of time a week. Just to protect your ownself, use ONLY your own Pen ! Staysafe !
Sharing here a Khat writing Maximum Card, Pls enjoy.

Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card

  Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card concordant Postmark : Kuala Lumpur