Sunday, May 30, 2021

Iban Warrior Dance Maximum Card. Postmark : 15.9.2015 Kuching. 依班族战士舞极限片。 销戳日期 :15.9.2015, 砂州古晋

Iban Warrior Dance Maximum Card.
Postmark : 15.9.2015 Kuching.
销戳日期 :15.9.2015, 砂州古晋



邮票图简直是取自于明信片图,一模一样。 马六甲牛车极限片。邮戳 :马六甲 18.8.2004 Stamp image copied from the Post Card ? Bulloct cart Maximum Card. Postmark cancellation : Melaka 18.8.2004

马六甲牛车极限片。邮戳 :马六甲 18.8.2004
Stamp image copied from the Post Card ? Bulloct cart Maximum Card. Postmark cancellation : Melaka 18.8.2004



Friday, May 28, 2021

今天继续征服再高的山峰。I Came, I Saw, I Conquered. 还是贴一枚中国寡妇山极限片,共赏。 I came, I saw, I conquered Maximum Card.

今天继续征服再高的山峰。I Came, I Saw, I Conquered. 还是贴一枚中国寡妇山极限片,共赏。
I came, I saw, I conquered Maximum Card.



Thursday, May 27, 2021

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

贴神山极限片一枚,共赏。 Mt.Kinabalu Maximum Card.

昨天踢球跨过了双子塔,今天征服了无名顶峰海拔 7478 米。还要一山比一山高吗?贴神山极限片一枚,共赏。
Mt.Kinabalu Maximum Card.


Proton Saga Maximum Card

有人被骂笨蛋。让我想起80年代这一台车当时也被嘲笑为“笨蛋傻瓜”。被嘲被骂“笨蛋傻瓜”,车依然在卖,车依然在公路上风驰,风光也!贴一枚当年向普腾总经销苦苦求回来的一枚珍贵“笨蛋傻瓜”明信片,制作了一枚极限片 。。共赏。
Proton Saga Maximum Card



Tuesday, May 25, 2021

马来西亚,你已经成了世界的焦点与目光。 贴一枚收藏的眼睛极限片,共赏。邮戳 :26.4.2010 The world is eyeing on YOU! Eye maximum Card .... Postmark dated 26.4.2010.

贴一枚收藏的眼睛极限片,共赏。邮戳 :26.4.2010
The world is eyeing on YOU! Eye maximum Card .... Postmark dated 26.4.2010.



收藏了24年的这一枚轻快铁极限片,邮戳销盖日期 1997年3月1日 。。 LRT Maximum Card

收藏了24年的这一枚轻快铁极限片,邮戳销盖日期 1997年3月1日 。。时间过得真快,24年了,轻快铁一直在服务着广大的群众,安全舒适。世事难料,以为不会发生的事故,还是给发生了!祈愿轻快铁上的每一名乘客都康复。
LRT Maximum Card



今天就连双子塔那么高的龙门,一脚定江山,破了纪录。下去还会试探中国寡妇山的高度。 贴一枚 Reggie Lee 的作品,制作了一枚个人特别喜欢的极限片。共赏。 KLCC Twin Tower Maximum Card.

贴一枚 Reggie Lee 的作品,制作了一枚个人特别喜欢的极限片。共赏。
KLCC Twin Tower Maximum Card.



Sunday, May 23, 2021

火车头很重要,都破墙而出了,还不快 闪!喜欢 Reggie Lee 的明信片作品,都绝版了,可惜。当年采用了这一枚火车头制作马铁道局经典火车极限片。共赏。 Train Locomotive is the most important part of a train, when the loco start to derail in direction leading you into the walls, it's time to run for life. Like Reggie Lee Production of Postcards. Here it is a KTM maximum card I made with the nostalgic postcard of the Reggie Lee. please enjoy.

闪!喜欢 Reggie Lee 的明信片作品,都绝版了,可惜。当年采用了这一枚火车头制作马铁道局经典火车极限片。共赏。
Train Locomotive is the most important part of a train, when the loco start to derail in direction leading you into the walls, it's time to run for life. Like Reggie Lee Production of Postcards. Here it is a KTM maximum card I made with the nostalgic postcard of the Reggie Lee. please enjoy.



新加坡霸王别姬极限片 Singapore Chinese Opera Maximum Card


Singapore Chinese Opera Maximum Card


Saturday, May 22, 2021

不要想太多,今晚歇下来欣赏新加坡夜景。 新加坡越夜越迷人极限片,共赏。 Lest forget, sitting around admiring the City Night View of the Cosmopolitan Singapore ... Enjoy the most glamorous view of the City Maximum Card.


Lest forget, sitting around admiring the City Night View of the Cosmopolitan Singapore ... Enjoy the most glamorous view of the City Maximum Card.


新加坡称 Roti Prata. 马国惯称 Roti Canai. 普通话印度摔饼。今晚看 Roti Canai 表演秀。贴一枚 Roti Prata 极限片,共赏。 Singapore names it Roti Prata, Malaysia calls it Roti Canai. Twist and Toss is the basic characteristic of making a Roti Canai. Enjoy a Roti Prata Maximum Card from Singapore.


新加坡称 Roti Prata. 马国惯称 Roti Canai.
普通话印度摔饼。今晚看 Roti Canai 表演秀。贴一枚 Roti Prata 极限片,共赏。
Singapore names it Roti Prata, Malaysia calls it Roti Canai.
Twist and Toss is the basic characteristic of making a Roti Canai.
Enjoy a Roti Prata Maximum Card from Singapore.


今天守候等龟蛋。龟蛋极限片。 Waiting anciously for a turtle to lay eggs. Turtle egg maximum card.

Waiting anciously for a turtle to lay eggs. Turtle egg maximum card.



那鸡最近很亲和。鸡极限片。 The Chicken is becoming Friendly - Ayam Maximum Card.


The Chicken is becoming Friendly - Ayam Maximum Card.


Friday, May 21, 2021

Thursday, May 20, 2021

曾经横行地球,恐龙也面临浩劫的一天。人类会有这么一天么?贴一枚新加坡恐龙化石极限片,共赏。 Singapore Dinosaur maximum card.

Singapore Dinosaur maximum card.



协和机已成历史。但愿冠病也追随其后,快快走入历史。贴一枚协和机极限片,共赏。 Concord is part of the History, will like to see Covid-19 follows the footstep of concord , vanishes quickly into the History. Sharing here a Concord maximum Card .


Concord is part of the History, will like to see Covid-19 follows the footstep of concord , vanishes quickly into the History. Sharing here a Concord maximum Card .


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

揪心的一天。6075 !贴一枚心碎了极限片,共赏。 A Sad Day indeed, figure on the rise, 6075 ! posting here a Broken Heart Maximum Card.

揪心的一天。6075 !贴一枚心碎了极限片,共赏。
A Sad Day indeed, figure on the rise, 6075 ! posting here a Broken Heart Maximum Card.



大马国会继续封锁至8月。贴一枚极限片共赏。 Malaysia Parliament lockdown till August, 2021. Here it is a Maximum card of the Malaysia Parliament House.

Malaysia Parliament lockdown till August, 2021. Here it is a Maximum card of the Malaysia Parliament House.



Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card

  Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card concordant Postmark : Kuala Lumpur