Monday, April 21, 2014

Malaysia Airlines MH 370 missing from radar @ 1.41 am 8th March, 2014 马航MH370客机于2014年3月8日凌晨1.41点在雷达上失踪

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew, left the KL International Airport at 12.41am on 8th March, 2014 and disappeared from radar screens about an hour later while over the South China Sea. It was to have landed in Beijing at 6.30am on the same day.

The last time the plane could be traced by an air control tower was near Pulau Perak, which is on the Straits of Malacca at 2.40am. It was said MH 370 made a turn back and continue to fly to an unknown destination. Why did MH 370 made the turn back ? The mystery is yet to be unveiled.

马航 MH370 飞北京班机如时于2014年3月8日凌晨12.41从吉隆坡国际机场起飞,一个小时后飞机在雷达上消失。 马来西亚军方雷达于 2.40 am 测到一架飞机于马六甲上空掠过飞向一个不明确方向。军方雷达上的显示是MH370 掠过马六甲海峡?为何MH 370在航行中突然掉头转了另一个航线而飞 ? 这是我们都很想知道的原因。
50th Anniversary of IATA (1995) Maximum Card
国际旅游联盟50周年纪念极限片 (1995)

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