Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
【Congratulations MALAYSIA for winning a Second Prize in the 13th FIP World Best Maximum Card Competition】 【恭喜马来西亚荣获第13届国际集邮联世界最佳极限片竞赛的第二名】
【Congratulations MALAYSIA for winning a Second Prize in the 13th FIP World Best Maximum Card Competition】
Federation of International Philately Maximaphily Commission annouced the Results for the 2015 World Best Maximum Card Competition :
First Prize : Netherland ( MC created by Ronald van der Leeden )
Second Prize: MALAYSIA (MC created by Ye Choh San)
Third Prize : Mexico (MC created by Guadelupe Morales Grifaldo)
Federation of International Philately Maximaphily Commission annouced the Results for the 2015 World Best Maximum Card Competition :
First Prize : Netherland ( MC created by Ronald van der Leeden )
Second Prize: MALAYSIA (MC created by Ye Choh San)
Third Prize : Mexico (MC created by Guadelupe Morales Grifaldo)
第一名 :荷兰 (作者:Ronald van der Leeden)
第二名 :马来西亚 (作者:余曹山)
第三名 :墨西哥 (作者: Guadelupe Morales Grifaldo)…/2015BESTMCRESULTS.pdf
第一名 :荷兰 (作者:Ronald van der Leeden)
第二名 :马来西亚 (作者:余曹山)
第三名 :墨西哥 (作者: Guadelupe Morales Grifaldo)…/2015BESTMCRESULTS.pdf
Monday, September 26, 2016
【Kuala Lumpur International Airport KLIA 吉隆坡国际机场】【Maximum Card 极限片】
【Kuala Lumpur International Airport KLIA 吉隆坡国际机场】【Maximum Card 极限片】
【2005 Malaysia 50 Years of Engineering Excellence 马来西亚50年工程发展】
【2005 Malaysia 50 Years of Engineering Excellence 马来西亚50年工程发展】
Stamp issued on : 24.1.2005
Postmark : First Day Pictorial, KLIA
Postcard :synergy publishing SP53
邮票发行日期 : 24.1.2005
邮戳 : 首日图案戳,吉隆坡国际机场
明信片 :synergy publishing SP53 明信片
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Friday, September 23, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Friday, September 16, 2016
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Happy Mid Autumn Festival ! 祝大家中秋节快乐!【Pesta Kuih Bulan 月饼节】【maximum card 极限片】
【Pesta Kuih Bulan 月饼节】【maximum card 极限片】
【2012 Malaysia Festivals 马来西亚节日】
Stamp issued on : 27.9.2012
【月满乾坤花满楼 ,中秋月圆人更圆】
在马来西亚,依照传统,华族也庆祝中秋节。应景的月饼,灯笼,应有尽有。由于中秋节并非所列官方节日,当天并非公共假期。由于缺乏与官方的沟通,中秋节在 友族的观念中是个吃月饼和提灯笼的节日。早期官方称中秋节为 Pesta Tanglung (灯笼节),后期却改为 Pesta Kuih Bulan (月饼节),不曾见有官方把这节日称为 zhong qiu jie (中秋节),以致邮政在2012年发行一枚中秋节邮票,把这节日的马来西亚文名称写为 Pesta Kuih Bulan (月饼节),这可是海内外少有地区有这么称这一个节日的吧?
大家是否尝过独特的冰淇淋月饼 。。。 以下极限片就眼尝,眼尝吧!祝贺月饼节快乐!
【2012 Malaysia Festivals 马来西亚节日】
Stamp issued on : 27.9.2012
【月满乾坤花满楼 ,中秋月圆人更圆】
在马来西亚,依照传统,华族也庆祝中秋节。应景的月饼,灯笼,应有尽有。由于中秋节并非所列官方节日,当天并非公共假期。由于缺乏与官方的沟通,中秋节在 友族的观念中是个吃月饼和提灯笼的节日。早期官方称中秋节为 Pesta Tanglung (灯笼节),后期却改为 Pesta Kuih Bulan (月饼节),不曾见有官方把这节日称为 zhong qiu jie (中秋节),以致邮政在2012年发行一枚中秋节邮票,把这节日的马来西亚文名称写为 Pesta Kuih Bulan (月饼节),这可是海内外少有地区有这么称这一个节日的吧?
大家是否尝过独特的冰淇淋月饼 。。。 以下极限片就眼尝,眼尝吧!祝贺月饼节快乐!
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Monday, September 12, 2016
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Saturday, September 10, 2016
【Is this iconic monument an eyesore to you? Are you recommending to tear it down too? 难道这一个雕塑你也觉得碍眼,有朝一日也想把它给拆毁?】【Maximum Card 极限片】
【Is this iconic monument an eyesore to you? Are you recommending to tear it down too? 难道这一个雕塑你也觉得碍眼,有朝一日也想把它给拆毁?】【Maximum Card 极限片】
【2008 Joint issue with Indonesia 印度尼西亚联发】
Stamp issued on 28.10.2008
Postmark : First Day Pictorial ,Singapore
Postcard :Impressive Postcard E13
邮票发行日期 : 28.10.2008
邮戳 : 首日图案戳,新加坡
明信片 :Impressive Postcard 明信片
【2008 Joint issue with Indonesia 印度尼西亚联发】
Stamp issued on 28.10.2008
Postmark : First Day Pictorial ,Singapore
Postcard :Impressive Postcard E13
邮票发行日期 : 28.10.2008
邮戳 : 首日图案戳,新加坡
明信片 :Impressive Postcard 明信片
Friday, September 09, 2016
【The Iconic Langkawi Eagle Statue is facing a tear down threat 兰加屿地标老鹰雕塑面临拆毁 】【Maximum Card 极限片】 【2016 Kedah-Kelantan tourist attraction 吉打吉兰丹旅游景点】
【The Iconic Langkawi Eagle Statue is facing a tear down threat 兰加屿地标老鹰雕塑面临拆毁 】【Maximum Card 极限片】
【2016 Kedah-Kelantan tourist attraction 吉打吉兰丹旅游景点】
Stamp issued on 27.7.2016
Postmark : First Day Pictorial, Kompleks Lada, Langkawi
Postcard :P Postcard
Postmark : First Day Pictorial, Kompleks Lada, Langkawi
Postcard :P Postcard
邮票发行日期 : 27.7.2016
邮戳 : 首日图案戳,兰加屿拉达大厦邮政局
明信片 :P 明信片
Thursday, September 08, 2016
Wednesday, September 07, 2016
Tuesday, September 06, 2016
Monday, September 05, 2016
Sunday, September 04, 2016
Saturday, September 03, 2016
【Beautiful hand painted fishing boat (Perahu) of Kelantan 色彩缤纷的吉兰丹渔船】【Maximum Card 极限片】
【Beautiful hand painted fishing boat (Perahu) of Kelantan 色彩缤纷的吉兰丹渔船】【Maximum Card 极限片】
【2016 Kedah-Kelantan tourist attraction 吉打吉兰丹旅游景点】
Stamp issued on 27.7.2016
Postmark : First Day Pictorial, Tumpat
Postcard :Creative Corporation
Postmark : First Day Pictorial, Tumpat
Postcard :Creative Corporation
Friday, September 02, 2016
Thursday, September 01, 2016
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Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card
Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card concordant Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Sipadan Island is a well known underwater paradise for the sea divers. How I wish I could have this maximum card postmarked at a post office...
恐龙 极限片 dinosaur maximum card (星加坡邮政 2015 Singpost)