- A maximum card created with " traditional dance " stamp, CDS date Cancel @ Bangkok
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010 - The Adult and the Young
Thailand is a land of the Elephants, without exception, there are numerous elephant stamps issued by Thaipost. I will like to show here an MC depicting an adult and its baby elephant.
- A maximum card realised with "elephant" stamp, CDS date Cancel @ Bangkok
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010 - United we Stand
I really enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010. Here it is , another interesting MCs - United we Stand.
Enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010 - Could NOT resist to make another Royal Barge MC
There are stamps depicting the Royal Barge of the Thais, so are the postcards ... I just could not resist to create one after another of the MCs.
- A maximum card realised with a "Royal Barge" stamp, CDS date cancel @ Bangkok
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Enjoyed creating MCs at Bangkok 2010 - Lion Dance
Thaipost issued many Chinese theme stamps, Lion Dance is one of them. There are NOT many countries in the world have issued Lion Dance stamps, and of course there are NOT many Lion Dance Maximum cards around.
- A maximum card created with "lion dance" stamp, CDS date Cancel @ Bangkok
Enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010 - Another of the Royal Barge
The Royal Barge of Thailand is the equivalent to the Dragon Boat of the Chinese, except one is for gala parade on Royal Occassions, the other is for festive water sport competitions. I really like the MCs on the Royal Barge.
- A maximum card created with "Royal Barge" stamp, CDS date cancel @ Bangkok
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010 - A statue looks like Guan Gong 关公
This statue standing in front of the Wats has a familiar Chinese look, is he Guan Gong 关公 ?
- A maximum card created with "Guard figurine" stamp, CDS date Cancel, Bangkok
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010 - The beautiful rose
Thaipost issues ROSE stamps almost every year, if I could have more postcards on ROSES, I would capture all of them on maximum cards.
- A maximum card realised with a "Pink rose" stamp , CDS date cancel @ Bangkok
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010 - the Temple Guardian Figures
There are numerous temples in Bangkok, these temples are known as Wats. Some of these temples have "giant" guardian figures erected at the entrance of them. I am showing one of those temple guardian figures on MCs.
- A maximum card realised with "temple guardian" figure, CDS date Cancel @ Bangkok
Enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010 - The Elephant Warriors
In the past, Thais went for war on elephants. Today, the scenes of elephant warriors can ONLY be seen on demonstration shows . Here it is the great elephant warriors of the Thais and I have them recorded on MCs.
- A maximum card realised with "elephant warrior" stamp, CDS date Cancel @ Bangkok
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010 - The Dinosaurs
It's Fun , I managed to create a few dinosaur MCs @ Bangkok 2010.
- A maximum card created with "dinosaur" stamp, CDS Cancel @ Bangkok
Enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010 - The Lion Dance
Surprisingly, there are quite many stamp issues of the Thaipost are Chinese Theme Related, and here it is The Chinese Traditional Lion Dance, well again, I captured it on a Maximum Card.
- A maximum card realised with "Lion Dance" stamp, CDS cancel @ Bangkok
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010 - The Temple of Dawn , Wat Arun
The temple of Dawn or Wat Arun is a landmark in Bangkok, it is a must to visit tourist destination for most of the people arriving at Bangkok. Along Chao Phraya River, this place is easily accessible by ferry boat.
- A maximum card realised with "Wat Arun" stamp, CDS date cancel @ Bangkok
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010 - Thai Boxing
Thai Boxing is unique, besides using the fist, the boxers are allowed to use the legs for attacking and defending. Nice to find this stamp and postcard to realise a Maximum Card of match.
- A maximum card realised with a "Thai Boxing" stamp, CDS date cancelled @ Bangkok
Enjoyed creating MC @ Bangkok 2010 - HRH the King of Thailand
Thailand has a Constitutional Monarchy Government with A King well honoured and respected by the people. As can be seen from the number of stamps issued by Thaipost, there are quite many of them depicting the Monarch. Since I was able to find a postcard depicting His Majesty the King, to look for a stamp was NOT a big problem, so, I had made it - An MC of the King of Thailand.
- A maximum card realised with a "Thai King" stamp, CDS date cancel @ Bangkok
Bangkok 2010 MC creation experience - I used the Penang Kee Lok Si Kuan Yin (观音)Postcard to realise this unique Godess of Mercy MC
It will NOT be possible to have a KUAN YIN - the Godess of Mercy stamp issued in Malaysia,.This postcard depicting a statue of the Godess situated at the hilltop of the Penang Kee Lok Si Temple (槟城极乐寺) is a local landmark of the State of Penang. The Kuan Yin stamp issued by the Thai Post is really a masterpiece, this miniature art is springkled with glittering dust on the surface the stamp, when the stamp is picked in the hands, I can see the figure of the Kuan Yin glitters in the reflection of the lights. This is really a wonderful Maximum Card to be treasured.
- A maximum card realised with "Kuan Yin" stamp, CDS date cancel @ Bangkok
Bangkok 2010 MC creation experience - The World First Thai Silk stamp on MC
Being the world's first Thai Silk Stamp, of course this peacock stamp attracted many stamp collectors at Bangkok 2010. I am taking the opportunity to capture this unique stamp on the maximum card.
- A maximum card realised with a Thai Silk "peacock" stamp, CDS cancel @ Bangkok
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Bangkok 2010 MC Creation - How can I miss the Elegance Royal Barge
Royal Barge is unique for Thailand, I took the opportunity to create an MC for remembrance.
- A maximum card realised with a Thai "Royal Barge" stamp, CDS date stamp @ Bangkok
Enjoyed creating MCs @ Bangkok 2010 - The pretty peacock
There are abundance of beautiful stamps issued by thaipost which are suitable for the creation of MCs. I did enjoy my visit to Bangkok 2010 (3-13 August, 2010) and find joy in creating several MCs. Take a look at these Maximum Cards, they are really beautiful indeed.
- A Maximum Card realised with a Thailand Peacock Stamp, CDS cancel @ Bangkok
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Result for the the Maximaphily exhibits @ Bangkok 2010
The performance of the Maximaphily exhibits @ Bangkok 2010 was below expectation, Exhibits previously exhibited had been downgraded due to the present of FAKE maximum cards. Maximum card collectors are therefore to be very cautious in purchasing Classic Maximum Cards. The Fake MCs are made from Genuine postcard, Genuine stamp, however, the postmarks are FAKE. The result of the 3 maximaphily exhibits present at Bangkok is as follows :
1. Wild Animals - We cannot have a world without them 65 SB : Author - Song Ying Tao (China)
2. A general consideration of the bridge shape 72 S : Author - Chung Jung Su ( Korea )
3. Roof 65 SB : Author - Song Heng ( China )
1. Wild Animals - We cannot have a world without them 65 SB : Author - Song Ying Tao (China)
2. A general consideration of the bridge shape 72 S : Author - Chung Jung Su ( Korea )
3. Roof 65 SB : Author - Song Heng ( China )
Monday, August 09, 2010
Kanchanaburi Bat Watching - What a spectacular sight
Bat Watching @ Kanchanaburi, Thailand 8.8.2010
A group of Philatelists from Malaysia/Singapore organised a day trip to the Southern Thailand for BAT Watching. Something really new to me. We were at Kanchanaburi @ 4:30 pm after an approx. 2 hours of drive from Bangkok . The fisrt bat flew out of a cave on the mountain cliff at approx. 4.45pm, followed by thousands and millions of bats in seconds flocking out of the cave. They are setting off their journey to the surrounding areas looking for foods and returning to the caves before the dawn of the next day. It is said that the continuous chain of flying bats proceeds for at least 2 hours daily, just imagine, how many bats are living in the caves? It was really a spectacular sight to watch.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
I did find some postcards with relevant Thai Stamps to realise a few Maximum Cards @ Bangkok 2010
36th Anniversary Celebration for Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP) 7.8.2010 @ Bangkok
Yesterday I did find sometime to look for postcards and relevant Thai stamps to realise Maximum Cards. I really like these MCs which I had made, I will post them here when I get back to Malaysia.
Last night a dinner was hosted by the Philatelist Association of Thailand @ the Royal Bangkok Sports Club to celebrate the 36th Anniversary of the Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP). A special MS with the overprint "36th Anniversary of FIAP" was available for sale at the function @ SGD 25.00 per MS, ONLY 3000 pieces were printed .
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Numerous Fake Maximum Cards were detected in the competitive exhibits @ Bangkok 2010
Fake Maximum cards were detected in all the 3 maximaphily exhibits @ Bangkok 2010, this is giving an alarming signal to the Juries on the serious intrusion of such unwelcoming materials in the philately world. The discovery of the appearance of increase quantities of such fake materials in a competitive exhibition , meaning that Maximaphily is getting popular, where the existence of classic MCs is scarce, unethical dealers will try to produce fake materials to make avail to the collectors. Obviously, more MC collectors are looking for classic materials which are really scarce during the period of time. These fake MCs are mainly coming from the Europe. Collectors are therefore be warned to be more careful in the purchase of Classic maximum cards. The federation of philately is ready to take stern action against the increasing Faking activities of the Maximum Cards which are becoming serious in the recent years. Collectors therefore are advised to be equipped with adequate philatelic knowledge to be able to identify such fake Maximum Cards. FIGHT Against Fake ! Well, these fake MCs were mainly created from reprint postcards with original stamp in fresh condition, cancelled with a FAKE postmark cancellation privately produced.
Friday, August 06, 2010
Thailand is a stronghold for Traditional Philately, ONLY a few collectors were seen creating MCs.
Thailand is a stronghold for traditional philately. I could ONLY see a few collectors busy creating MCs on the first day of the opening At the Bangkok 2010 exhibition venue. I could NOT find relevant postcards for the stamp issue.. so, I was unable to create an MC. I am yet to explore whether there are any postcard dealers around so that I can find some good postcards. Had been busy for the last 2 days with the official duty, had no time to visit the booths at all. Malaysian Post is represented here .. here it is the photo.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
For all officials to the 25th Asian Philatelic Exhibition, a FREE Metro Pass for unlimited rides valid from 4-12 August, 2010, What a hospitality provided by the Organiser!
For all officials of the 25th Asian Philatelic Exhibition, 2 compliment Metro Passes for unlimited ride valid from 4-12 August,2010 were provided , one for the spouse or accompanying persons. The Metro station is a doorstep away from the Hotel Dusit Thani. I can have the FREE metro pass to travel round to hunt for postcards now. Perhaps I will exit at every Metro stations for a stroll at all the shops.
Philatelic Exhibition is due open in 2 hours, there are ONLY two maximaphily exhibits in the competitive category. I will have a close look at the 2 and will report later on this.
The Princess HRH Maha Chakri Sirindhorn will grace the exhibition @ 4.00 pm.
Ya, Bangkok is as peaceful as before, there are no signs of cops or peace keepers around the city.
- A complimentary METRO pass valid from 4-12 August, 2010
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
25th Asian Philatelic Exhibition begins on 4th August - Is Bangkok city still patrolled by these Peace Keepers ?
Will be leaving this morning to Bangkok for the 25th Asian Philatelic Exhibition opening on 4th August 2010 @ Queen Sirikit Convention Centre. The news reported 2 bombing incidents happened in the city centre of Bangkok in the last few days. My goodness, Bangkok is still in an unrest situation ? Is the exhibition going to be as quiet ? Well, I will ONLY know when I get there. Perhaps, the public places in Bangkok are still patrolled by these Peace Keepers.
- A maximum card realised with "Brave Warrior" stamp issued on 31st July, 2010, FDI pictorial cancel @ Seremban
Monday, August 02, 2010
GPO door closed @ 3 pm on 31.7.10, I was late ! My enthusiasm in Maximaphily with persuasion moved one of the staffs to allow me in to complete the cancellation for my MCs
It was a Saturday - 31st. July, 2010, Normally Philatelic Bureaux throughout the country are closed for the weekend. It had been a long time that new stamps were NOT for sale on Saturdays. This "Brave Warrior" stamp issue set an experimental platform for the Post to gauge on the response from the public on the sales of new stamps on Saturdays. As this is the "first" time Post was selling new stamp on a Saturday, it neglected to announce to the public on the business hour of the day. I am from a different city, I would have to get the GPO FDI pictorial postmark on my maximum cards. I thought GPO would close as usual at 5 pm. When I showed up at the GPO at 3.30 pm, the staffs were about to pack to go home. I was told that the business for the day had been closed at 3.00 pm. My God, I rushed all the way to GPO to get a "Kuala Lumpur" Postmark on my maximum cards, the bad news was really a great disappointment to me. I persuaded one of the staffs to stay for a little longer to allow me to have my maximum cards cancelled, with my explanation elaborating with Maximaphily, I managed to move the staff to allow me in to complete my mission. I did most of my maximum cards at my home town earlier in the morning, however, I needed the "Kuala Lumpur" postmark for some of my other maximum cards. Why do I need "Kuala Lumpur" cancellation, I will elaborate in my subsequent blogs.
- A maximum card realised with "Brave Warrior" stamp issued on 31st July, 2010, FDI pictorial cancel @ Kuala Lumpur
Sunday, August 01, 2010
I Do NOT have any typical Malaysian Army PCs, hence, Imported PCs used for the Maximum Card
I could not find any typical Malaysia Warriors postcards, hence, I am using the postcards from the foreign which depict the Army for the realisation of the Maximum cards for the Malaysian Brave Warriors new stamps.
- A maximum card realised with "Brave Warriors" stamp issued on 31.7.2010, FDI pictorial cancel @ Seremban
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Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card
Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card concordant Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Sipadan Island is a well known underwater paradise for the sea divers. How I wish I could have this maximum card postmarked at a post office...
恐龙 极限片 dinosaur maximum card (星加坡邮政 2015 Singpost)