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White Lotus ? |
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
A FUN Card - Symbolic Dead Fish 没鱼,虾也好
It is difficult to find a card depicting a pool of dead fish as concordant to the image on the stamp. As the Chinese Hokkien Idiom goes " Without fish, Prawn is OK too! 没鱼,虾也好!", hence, I have this fun card with symbolic fishes to create a cinderella MC.
- A cinderella MC created with "threatened habitat - dead fishes" stamp issued on 15.7.2010, FDI pictorial Cancel @ Jerantut.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
There must be abundance of Turtles at the Turtle Islands Park, Malaysia
Malaysia is a beautiful place to visit nor only for the international tourists, so much so, turtles are flocking to the coastlines of the country too. There exists a Turtle Islands Park in the East Malaysia, there must be abundance of turtles coming ashore the beach at the Park. It is an Utopia for these creatures from the ocean, some may have traveled thousands of miles just to visit the place and to breed their future generations. Just to share with you a maximum card depicting a scene from the Malaysia Turtle Islands Park.
- A maximum card realised with "threatened habitat - green turtle", FDI pictorial cancel @ Kuantan
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Confusion over Lotus and Water lily 荷花与莲花-冯京当马凉
There are too many things and facts to learn in life. In the past, I will NOT take seriously to differentiate a lotus from a water lily. It is Maximaphily that made me to make "study" on these flowers as I need to create a best concordant maximum card . However, no matter how careful I am, the selection of a postcard does slip at times. I had picked a water lily postcard to realise an MCwith a stamp of a lotus - I was misled by the description written on the rear of the postcard which indicated the flower is a lotus. Now by Further reading on the subject, I know the easiest way to differentiate a water lily from a lotus - Leaves of water lily float on water surface, leaves of the lotus grow beyond the water surface. However, be careful when the pond is grown with both water lily and lotus, the differentiation by the leaves of the plants will NOT work, so the differentiation has to come from the flowers themselves of which I will NOT elaborate here. Anyway, maximaphily makes me learn, and it is the mistake that I made on the creation of a card that keeps me remembering on the subject. Ha, the above MC is definitely a LOTUS, there is no doubt about it !
- A maximum card created with "Garden Flowers - Lotus" stamp issued on 1.7.2010, FDI Pictorial Cancel @ Seremban
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
How I wish I could have this Maximum Card postmarked at Semporna post office ..
Sipadan Island is a well known underwater paradise for the sea divers. How I wish I could have this maximum card postmarked at a post office near to this paradise resort. There is no post office on the island, and the nearest post office is located at Semporna on the mainland Sabah. I could send this maximum card to Semporna post office to request for a relevant postmark, however, due to the many incidents of cards lost in the mail, I had given up sending cards to individual post offices requesting for a postmark cancellation.
- A maximum card realised with "threatened habitat - green turtle" stamp issued on 15.7.2010, FDI pictorial cancel @ Kuantan, Pahang
Monday, July 26, 2010
Rantau Abang's fame is gone with the Non-return of LeatherBack turtles, Now, it is the Green turtle that dominates the coast of Malaysia
Rantau Abang coast @ Kuala Trengganu used to be a popular spot for the Giant Leatherback Turtles to land, however, due to the constant disturbance from the human activities, these giant creatures are disappearing from sight. Government is aware of the need of the conservation of such creatures that frequent the Malaysian Coast, and now Green Turtles become the common visitors on the various conservation sites along the Malaysian Coast. Just before these creatures disappear from the Malaysian Scene, I will better to capture them on Maximum Cards.
- A maximum card realised with "Threatened Habitat - green turtle" stamp issued on 15.7.2010, FDI pictorial cancel @ Kuantan
Sunday, July 25, 2010
It is a "NOKIA" Ad Card, I covered the "KIA", leaving the "NO" - Hence, A message "NO to Rubbish Dump!"
This advertisement postcard with an otter came ashore hunting for food bore a large advertiser name "NOKIA" on the basket. In order to disguise the large lettering word of "NOKIA", I had affixed the stamp over the "KIA", leaving behind a "NO" - The message on the card can then be interpreted as " NO to Rubbish Dump". An Ad Card immediately turns into a meaningful postcard. You can make wonder in Maximaphily. Enjoy !
If I cover "NO", leaving "KIA" , it becomes the name of the Korean Car Manufacturer- KIA Motors.
I believe KIA workers in Korea will NOT use "NOKIA" brand handphones, for it says " NO KIA ". It's Fun with the words.
If I cover "NO", leaving "KIA" , it becomes the name of the Korean Car Manufacturer- KIA Motors.
I believe KIA workers in Korea will NOT use "NOKIA" brand handphones, for it says " NO KIA ". It's Fun with the words.
- A maximum card realised with "Threatened Habitat - otter" stamp issued on 15.7.2010, FDI Pictorial Cancel @ Jerantut.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
I am NOT a diver, I missThe many Exotic Sea lives of Malaysia BUT I do dive in a virtual world via Maximaphily
There are many exotic sea lives harbouring at the coast of the many islands in the East and West Malaysia which are ideal paradises for the divers e.g the World famous Sipadan Island , Layang-layang Island etc. These islands attract millions of visitors from all over the world to Malaysia. I am Not a diver, of course , I miss the opportunity of diving to see the exotic undersea world, however, I do dive in a virtual world of the Maximaphily, I do see the many exotic sea lives via these beautiful maximum cards.
- A maximum card realised with "threatened habitat - sea lives" stamp issued on 15.7.2010, FDI pictorial cancel @ Kuantan
Friday, July 23, 2010
A cutie Otter card purchased from a school fair
This is a maximum card realised with a cutie postcard which I bought from a School Fair years ago. The seller had several animal postcards putting up for sales, 5 in a pack for RM 1 , buyers were NOT allowed to select individual card from the pack. Various animals were available ranging from cat, dog, zebra, lion, bear, giraffe, otter - how I wish the publisher could cover the whole range of the animals in the Kingdom of the Wild and Tame. Since the last time I saw the seller, I have NOT met him again. These cutie cards are aimed at school children, nice and affordable by the students. I like all these cutie cards, they are simply superb for Maximum cards.
- A maximum card realised with "threatened habitat-otter" stamp issued on 15.7.2010, FDI Pictorial Cancel @ Jerantut
Thursday, July 22, 2010
A Green Turtle in the Visit Malaysia Year 2007 postcard pack issued FREE by the Tourist Promotion Board
This is a maximum card created from a postcard issued by the Malaysian Tourist Promotion Board for the Visit Malaysia Year 2007 campaign. The pack of postcards was distributed FREE at the nationwide Tourist Information Centre from 2007. I was at the Kuala Selangor Town few months back, walked pass a bookshop and saw these postcards displayed on racks, I thought they were FREE for pick up, BUT the shopkeeper was selling @ 50 sen each. The glossy finished postcard is really a beautiful medium for the creation of the above maximum card depicting a Green Turtle.
- A maximum card created with "threatened habitat - green turtle" stamp issued on 15.7.2010, FDI pictorial cancel @ Kuantan
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Small claw otters from the Singapore Night Safari Zoo
Here is a Maximum Card realised with a postcard acquired from the Singapore Night Safari Zoo featuring a group of small claw otters. The card is detached from a postcard booklet published by the Singapore Zoo. which was available from the Park's souvenir shop. There are 2 volumes available - one each for the Day and Night Parks.
- A maximum card realised with "threatened habitat - otter" stamp issued on 15.7.2010, FDI pictorial cancel @ Jerantut
Monday, July 19, 2010
A "save our seas" advertisement card for MC
I like this advertisement card on "save our seas" with a little green turtle struggling to swim in a polluted environment.
- A maximum card realised with a "Threatened habitat - Green turtle", FDI pictorial Cancel @ Kuantan.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
God created the wonderful animals, I created the maximum cards
An Adult Tapir
A Baby Tapir
God created this wonderful world with all kinds of animals to live with us, look at this MALAYAN TAPIR , can you tell the young from the adult, what a difference ! I do NOT know how GOD had made a mistake in creating this creature, the body pattern of the 2 tapirs are so different. Anyway, God created the nature, I put them in maximum cards. Enjoy ! Oh, do not forget that GOD created Trees to produce paper and postcards so that I am able to create more maximum cards. Thanks GOD !
- Maximum Card with "Threatened Habitat with tapir" stamp issued on 15.7.2010, FDI pictorial cancel @ Jerantut
Friday, July 16, 2010
Is the hobby Maximaphily contradicting to the appeal for SAVING OUR EARTH campaign?
Maximaphily's principal medium , the postcard is made from paper , the source of which is from the TREES. The more maximum cards you create, the more postcards you demand, and hence the more trees to cut down . Is this hobby contradicting to the SAVE OUR EARTH appeal ? Above is a maximum card realised with a WWF Save the Earth appeal postcard. Appealing NOT to cut down trees and yet producing more papers, are they contradicting to each other ?
- A maximum card realised with "Cut no trees" stamp issued on 15.7.2010, FDI pictorial cancel @ JERANTUT
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I can paint it if I want to! There is no rules saying that you can't paint a printed postcard.
FIP rules restrict the use of drawn postcards for maximum cards, however, there is no rules restricting one from putting on colors on a plain printed postcards - In fact there are fully PLAIN postcards like the above available in the market for the kids to paint colors on them, lawfully, they are real postcards and perfectly valid for making into maximum cards. I have the above Morning Glory maximum card and I have NOT decided whether to paint them in colors. If I do it, I will post it again here for sharing - Do NOT tell me FIP does NOT permit that, there is no rule pertaining to this in FIP !
- A maximum card realised with a "Morning Glory" stamp issued on 1.7.2010, FDI Pictorial Cancel @ Seremban
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Another piece of artwork PC for my maximum card - I just couldn't avoid having artwork cards in my collection
Before photography was invented, pictures were illustrated by artworks hence, many of the early postcards were printed from artwork - Many of the natural created Maximum cards of the early 19th centuries depicting the pyramids and sphinx too were artwork cards. In reality, there are artwork cards produced everywhere and these cards are perfect material for the creation of maximum cards. Don't be surprised by someone commenting on the invalidity of an artwork card by quoting the FIP rules. FIP rules do NOT say so ,But the someone still insists to believe so ! Perhaps, I shall request "Octopus Paolo" to make a selection on "Yes" or "No" to the use of artwork card for a maximum card, "Octopus Paolo"'s decision may be more convincing than the FIP rules.
- A maximum card realised with a "morning glory" stamp, FDI Pictorial Cancel @ Seremban
It is the discrepancy in Chinese Translation of the FIP rules that defies the use of Artwork postcard for MCs
FIP rules state that "Drawings" cannot be used for maximum cards, and I came to the understanding that the key word "drawings" has been interpreted as artworks 绘画 in Chinese hence any postcard printed with artwork of a subject is deemed to violate the FIP rules. Well, Chinese in general refrain from taking any card of this nature, I will welcome them to part these cards to me if they do NOT want them. The "drawings" as mentioned in the FIP rule refers to the actual drawings drawn by pens and brushes, it is nothing related to printed drawings. What a misled interpretation that is planted deeply in the brains of the collectors. I like artwork cards and will like to present here with another famous water painting artwork Maximum Card of a Lotus Flower.
- A maximum card realised with "Lotus" stamp issued on 1/7/2010, FDI pictorial cancel @ Seremban.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Some says Artwork postcards are NOT suitable for realisation of Maximum Cards
Some says Artwork postcards are NOT suitable for realisation of Maximum Cards, this statement is generally wide spread in the maximum card collecting community in China. Collectors will stay away from the printed postcards featuring images of any artwork on subjects. These collectors will prefer photographic images on the postcards. I do NOT see what is wrong with these artwork images on postcards, they are beautiful and representing works of an artist, what's wrong of making them into maximum cards ? Above is a postcard featuring an artwork of a LOTUS by a famous Chinese Artist Mr. Tian Shi Guang 田世光.
- A maximum card realised with "Lotus" stamp issued on 1.7.2010, FDI Pictorial Cancel @ Seremban
Sunday, July 11, 2010
"Am I too late to come into the hobby of maximaphily?" - A friend asked.
"Am I too late to come into the hobby of maximaphily?" - A friend asked. My friend regretted that he had missed to realise maximum cards for hundreds of Malaysian new stamp issues since he first started collecting stamps 20 years ago. For maximaphily, it is NOT the matter of Late or NOT late in joining in the fun of collecting maximum cards. For new stamp issues, a collector can easily create a fresh MC for himself, for the past stamp issues, a collector can acquire through other collectors or stamp dealers if there are willing sellers around. Maximaphily is a perpetual hobby, anyone can come into the hobby at any time and at any juncture, everyone enjoys the similar thrill, enjoyment and excitement at all times. Anyone can create a unique MC which ONLY he/she owns - this is something rather unique for the hobby.
- A maximum card created with "Yellow Beauty" stamp issued on 1.7.2010, FDI pictorial cancel @ Seremban.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Malaysian Artist - Loke Hung Tho 陆杏桃 's LOTUS art piece as MC
Very few local artists paint good LOTUS paintings and rarely these paintings are made into postcards. I saw this set of beautiful LOTUs art pieces postcard of the work by a Malaysian artist Loke Hung Tho 陆杏桃 and realise them into maximum cards.
- A maximum card realised with a "Lotus" stamp issued on 1.07.2010, FDI Pictorial Cancel @ Seremban
Friday, July 09, 2010
A Generic Card which suits all colors for a subject
We were talking about the difficulty in finding a Yellow hibiscus postcard , however, I can be "Ah Q" ( A Chinese Term, if you don't know what it means, kindly google to find out , I will not explain here.) by having this generic hibiscus card to realise a Yellow Hibiscus Maximum card. In fact the card is applicable to all colors of hibiscus, be it red, pink, yellow, white or orange. If I like, I will paint the hibiscus with the colors I want to suit the subject.
- A maximum card realised with a "Yellow Hibiscus" stamp issued on 1.7.2010, FDI pictorial Cancel @ Seremban
Thursday, July 08, 2010
A nostalgic card for a vintage 20 Class train
B & W (Black and White) card is best to depict a subject of the past, it gives a nostalgic look. Here it is a popular 20 Class train in the 60s of the Malayan Railway History. Enjoy.
- A maximum card realised with "Railway" stamp issued on 22.06.2010, FDI pictorial Cancel @ Kuala Lumpur
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
It is simply a beautiful flower - the LOTUS 荷花
It is simply a beautiful flower - the Lotus ! Surprisingly, there is a professionally photographed local Malaysian postcard on the beautiful flower. I just can't resist to realise an MC for this.
- A maximum card realised with "Lotus" stamp issued on 1.7.2010, FDI pictorial cancel @ seremban
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
I know this flower by its common name - "Yellow Beauty" 黄花美人 : Garden flower series issued 1.7.2010
I used to know this flower as a "Yellow Beauty " 黄花美人 and this common name was given as it describes a beautiful yellow flower. The scientific name Canna Orientalis is alien to me, I can remember once BUT I will not keep in my brain next, still the common name is the easiest to remember.
- A maximum card realised with a "Yellow Beauty" stamp issued on 1.7.2010, FDI pictorial Cancel @ Seremban
Monday, July 05, 2010
The Red hibiscus is seen everywhere in Malaysia, But NOT this - the Yellow Hibiscus
The RED hibiscus is the National Flower of Malaysia, it is a common garden flower found everywhere in Malaysia. The YELLOW hibiscus is NOT as common so does a postcard featuring the flower. The RED Hibiscus is crowned as the National Flower, BUT not the YELLOW Hibiscus. I do NOT how to differentiate these 2 flowers in Chinese, I have learnt and heard of "Da Hong Hua" (大红花), but I have NOT heard of "Da Huang Hua" (大黄花), really, how to name this flower in Chinese ?
- A maximum card realised with a "Yellow Hibiscus" stamp issued on 1.7.2010, FDI Pictorial Cancel @ Seremban.
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Can't Find a relevant postcard for maximum card ? - Garden Flowers 1.7.2010
I had used up most of my postcards on "bougainvilla" for maximum cards during the last issue of the State Definitive Series in 2007. I thought I would give up creating maximum cards on this flower series since I had done enough MCs for the last time and I did NOT have anymore specific "bougainvilla" postcards around. Whilst going through my stocks of postcards, I realised this garden flower has a prominent place in many of the local postcards - it is really a common flower found in Malaysia and in Malaysian postcards too! Sometimes I do grumble for non availability of postcards and non knowing that in fact these postcards are around without my notice. Did you manage to find these postcards for your maximum cards too ?
- A maximum card realised with "Garden Flower - bougainvilla" stamp issued on 1.7.2010, FDI pictorial Cancel @ Seremban
Saturday, July 03, 2010
Do you notice Bougainvilla appears on many postcards - take a look at this MC realised on 1.7.2010
Bougainvilla is a common flower seen everywhere in Malaysia, similarly, the flower appears as part of the view in many of the local postcards. The flowers may NOT be the key subject of the postcard, however, they are prominent as supporting decorations to the main subject of the postcards. I have to go through all the postcards in order to identify these flowers on the cards. Have you found any to realise a maximum card for the "Garden Flower" stamps issued on 1.7.2010 ?
- A maximum card realised with "Garden Flowers -bougainvilla" stamp issued on 1.7.2010, FDI Pictorial Cancel @ Seremban
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Morning Glory is known as Trumpet Flower in Chinese, and it is a "trumpet" on this MC
In Chinese, The Morning Glory Flower (牵牛花) is commonly known as the Trumpet Flower (喇叭花). During my childhood days, I only knew Trumpet Flower for its shape like a trumpet. Well, there existed an Advertisement postcard which symbolizes the Morning Glory Flower as a Trumpet.
- A maximum card realised with Malaysia new definitive stamp "Garden Flowers" issued on 1.7.2010, FDI pictorial Cancel @ Seremban.
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Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card
Yang Dipertua Agong Maximum Card concordant Postmark : Kuala Lumpur
Sipadan Island is a well known underwater paradise for the sea divers. How I wish I could have this maximum card postmarked at a post office...
恐龙 极限片 dinosaur maximum card (星加坡邮政 2015 Singpost)